Sunday, October 2, 2011

Where did Sept go?

You know that old saying "Time Flies when you are having fun?"  well time flies when you  have four children, run a daycare, train for a half-marathon, run a committee, do a book club, help with the youth group, make sure homework is done, run to the library, go to the grocery store......and about a hundred other things a day!  I can not even believe it is Oct. I am officially two weeks away from my half-marathon.  Since I last posted,  I have done a 9,10,11, and another 11 mile training run.  That's on Saturdays, during the week I run between 3 and 5 miles a day,  depending on the day.  I am ready! I'm excited and nervous all at the same time.  I have had some minor tweaks and muscle pains, and my shins hurt occasionally, but for the most part, I am healthy and uninjured.  Praise God!  It is truly a miracle.  I am probably the most accident prone person in the world.....If something random and strange is going to happen, it usually happens to me.  I've been pretty cautious this last week of training, I do not want to risk an injury when I am so close to the starting line.

September was gone in the blink of an eye!  The kids getting back into school, and  getting used to all their schedules....fundraisers, orchestra, first-reconciliation meetings, fall festivals, and so much more.  As I look ahead, it doesn't seem to let up much.  I'm looking forward to basketball starting for my 6th grader Brianna.  Last year I was her coach, and hope to take that role on again.  I do have a deep love for the game!  I'm also excited, because I will really be able to run the drills with the kids....I'm in much better shape this year. I got a little boost in the weight loss area, I am down 2 pant sizes, and 17 lbs!  I am learning to celebrate the victories!

  When I was running my 11 miles yesterday, I was truly touched by God.   As Jean (my running partner and friend) and I were running and praying, I was consumed by peace.  I was truly in awe and filled with such wonder, as I basked in the Glory of God!  I look back on this journey (knowing I still have some to go), and I am in awe of what God has taught me in my life.  As I approach the starting line of my first half-marathon, I feel like I'm embarking on a wonderful adventure with God as well!  It still seems a little strange, because he has always been such a huge part of my life, but I feel renewed in my relationship with him, and I am excited!  So today, I am filled with joy, excitement, anticipation, and  peace.  At times like this, there really isn't much more to say, other than.......God is Good!

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